USB Home Pregnancy Test Kit

Posted by dede | 3:14 PM |

if low-tech home pregnancy test stick isn't enough, ThinkGeek now resells a USB version of the kit, dubbed PTeq, for just $17.99. You basically follow the same procedures as you would with a standard kit except the stick goes into a USB port after it becomes contact with your urine.

The USB connection starts the electrospray ionization process on the device, creating a spectrograph of your urine. The mass spectrometry software then will give you an analysis of your hormone levels so you can clear your calendar in advance after reviewing the data. There's a 99% accuracy in detecting hCG, hCG-H and LH, but these hormones don't necessarily indicate pregnancy or ovulation. FYI, the PTeq is Leopard friendly also.

Jika Rekayasa tes kehamilan sederhana sudah tidak cukup, sekarang ada ThinkGeek resells versi USB dari kit, dubbed PTeq, harganya hanya $ 17,99. , Pada dasarnya anda prosedur ini sama seperti yang Anda lakukan dengan standar kit hanya saja setelah port USB kontak dengan air kencing. Koneksi USB memulai proses ionisasi electrospray , membuat spektograf Anda urine. Spectrometry massa kemudian akan memberikan analisis tingkatan hormon Anda sehingga Anda dapat menghapus kalender Anda setelah memeriksa data. Alat ini punya keakuratan 99% dalam mendeteksi hCG, H-hCG dan LH, tetapi hormon ini tidak harus menunjukkan kehamilan atau ovulation.