
Posted by dede | 10:32 AM | | 0 comments »

Impotensi (Erectile Dysfunction) is the inability to launch and sustain ereksi.

Impotensi is usually the result of:

Aberration vein
Aberration persarafan
Aberration in the penis
Psychological problems that affect the sexual passion.

The cause of a more physical man found in the elderly; while psychological problems more often occur in younger men.
The increasing age of a man, then impotensi increasingly frequent, although impotensi is not a part of the process penuaan but is a result of the disease which is often found in the information age.
Around 50% of men aged 65 years and 75% men, aged 80 years experience impotensi.

To be upright, it requires an adequate flow of blood. Therefore, blood vessel disease (for example aterosklerosis) can cause impotensi.
Impotensi can also occur as a result of blood clot resulting from surgery or blood vessel that caused terganggunya arterial blood flow to the penis. source :