MiniHEM – is a carriageable and at the aforementioned aerial achievement accessory with abounding automatic arrangement process. No acclimation or arrangement is bare for accessory maintenance. There is no charge neither in calibrating solutions nor in able service.

Measurement ambit is from 0 to 360 g/litre, photometrical accurateness is 1%.

20 microlitres (or 10 microlitres) of capillary (or venous) claret is appropriate for the measurement. Photometry delving can be able application one of two altered transforming solutions:

- for MiniHEM 540 hemoglobin-cyanide address is used. Delving alertness takes ~20 minutes, delving aggregate – not beneath 1 ml.

- for MiniHEM 523 0,04% ammonia band-aid as a transfor-ming band-aid is used. Delving alertness takes 1 sec, delving aggregate – not beneath 1 ml.

Result is displayed on LCD in gram/litres. Power accumulation is provided by 3 AA admeasurement batteries, the lifetime of a distinct array set exceeds 1,000,000 barometer cycles. Besides it, an alien AC/DC adapter can be affiliated through a congenital socket. No axis on/off is bare because MiniHEM is continuously in standby power-saving mode. Barometer aeon takes no added than 1 sec. The aeon starts automatically afterwards agreement a cuvettte with a delving into the barometer cell. Measures can be again in anniversary of 2 seconds. Use of bottle or artificial 10 mm cuvettes and bottle tube with 12 mm annular is additionally available.

Dimensions are 178x128x43 mm, weight is beneath than 300 g.