if low-tech home pregnancy test stick isn't enough, ThinkGeek now resells a USB version of the kit, dubbed PTeq, for just $17.99. You basically follow the same procedures as you would with a standard kit except the stick goes into a USB port after it becomes contact with your urine.
The USB connection starts the electrospray ionization process on the device, creating a spectrograph of your urine. The mass spectrometry software then will give you an analysis of your hormone levels so you can clear your calendar in advance after reviewing the data. There's a 99% accuracy in detecting hCG, hCG-H and LH, but these hormones don't necessarily indicate pregnancy or ovulation. FYI, the PTeq is Leopard friendly also.
Jika Rekayasa tes kehamilan sederhana sudah tidak cukup, sekarang ada ThinkGeek resells versi USB dari kit, dubbed PTeq, harganya hanya $ 17,99. , Pada dasarnya anda prosedur ini sama seperti yang Anda lakukan dengan standar kit hanya saja setelah port USB kontak dengan air kencing. Koneksi USB memulai proses ionisasi electrospray , membuat spektograf Anda urine. Spectrometry massa kemudian akan memberikan analisis tingkatan hormon Anda sehingga Anda dapat menghapus kalender Anda setelah memeriksa data. Alat ini punya keakuratan 99% dalam mendeteksi hCG, H-hCG dan LH, tetapi hormon ini tidak harus menunjukkan kehamilan atau ovulation.
In addition to physical changes, women who are pregnant usually have a need for changes in attention and intimacy in relationships with spouses. From the emosianal, pregnant women more sensitive, and the intimacy they can already feel the touch or just talk with couples in bed while you hold hands, even though the sex is not prohibited during pregnancy.
Next buoy-buoy you need to know to make a safe sex during pregnancy:
- The position of woman on top or sideways position that is comfortable for pregnant women.
- Before doing that in the penetration, which must be given priority is the comfort and freedom of pregnant women.
- The use of foreign objects around the vagina or sex aids, as much as possible be avoided.
- Pain understanding, empathy, humor and creativity are aspects that should have sexual relations during the pregnancy at the time.
- When any, pregnant women have the right say 'No'
- If you have a high risk pregnancy, orgasme penetration and should be avoided until the doctor declares safe. Stimulus through the hilt should also be avoided on the condition of pregnancy, such as this.
- Avoid water penetration if fetal broken or leaking.
- Contact sexual abuse in any form should be avoided if pregnant women or spouses terkontaminasi have been exposed to the virus or HIV. Use a condom if you want to do is keep sexual activity.
Seks yang aman selama kehamilan.
Selain perubahan fisik, wanita yang sedang hamil biasanya memiliki perubahan kebutuhan akan perhatian dan keintiman dalam hubungan dengan pasangannya. Dari sisi emosianal, wanita hamil lebih sensitif, dan keintiman sudah bisa mereka rasakan lewat sentuhan atau sekedar bicara berdua dengan pasangan di tempat tidur sambil berpegangan tangan, meski begitu hubungan seks sama sekali tidak dilarang selama masa kehamilan.
Berikut rambu-rambu yang perlu Anda ketahui untuk melakukan seks yang aman ketika hamil :
- Posisi woman on top atau menyamping adalah posisi yang nyaman untuk wanita hamil.
- Sebelum melakukan penetrasi yang dalam, yang harus diutamakan adalah kenyamanan dan kebebasan ibu hamil.
- Penggunaan benda asing di sekitar vagina atau alat bantu seks, sebisa mungkin dihindari.
- Rasa pengertian, empati, kreatifitas dan humor adalah aspek yang sebaiknya ada ketika melakukan hubungan seksual pada saat kehamilan.
- Kapan pun, ibu hamil berhak mengatakan ’Tidak’
- Jika kehamilannya memiliki resiko tinggi, penetrasi dan orgasme sebaiknya dihindari sampai dokter menyatakan aman. Rangsangan melalui puting juga harus dihindari pada kondisi kehamilan seperti ini.
- Hindari penetrasi jika air ketuban bocor atau pecah.
- Kontak seksual dalam bentuk apa pun harus dihindari jika ibu hamil atau pasangannya telah terkontaminasi atau terkena virus HIV. Gunakan kondom jika memang tetap ingin melakukan aktivitas seksual. source
What causes of coronary heart disease?
Coronary heart disease in the first caused by a cumulation of fat in the blood vessel walls in the heart (coronary vessel), and this long run, followed by various processes, such as hoarding jarinrangan ligament, perkapuran, blood coagulation, etc..,
Which will narrow or clog blood vessels these. This will lead to the heart muscle in the region is experiencing shortages of blood flow and can lead to various consequences of the serious enough, from Angina Pectoris (chest pain) to Infark heart, that the people in the know with a heart attack, which can cause sudden death.
Some of the most important risk factor of coronary heart disease:
Total Cholesterol rate and high LDL
The rate of low HDL Cholesterol
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Diabetes Mellitus
Historical descendants of heart disease in the family
Less sports
If your computer or one of several risk factors mentioned above, it is recommended you regularly check your heart health to a specialist. The existence of two or more risk factors would be time to increase the total risk of coronary heart disease.
Detection of coronary heart disease
Some checks can be done to detect the existence of coronary heart disease among others: ECG, Treadmill, Echokardiografi and coronary Arteriorgrafi (often known as the Kateterisasi).
With ECG examination can be the possible deviation in your heart with the 40% level of accuracy. Then when you need to be considered will be recommended for inspection Treadmill Echokardiografi.
Based on the results of these possibilities will be advisable for you to check coronary Arteriografi (Kateterisasi), which has the highest level of accuracy (99 - 100%) to determine whether you have coronary heart disease.
Is Kateterisasi heart?
Kateterisasi Heart is a review that aims to review the structure and function of the heart, including the space the heart, heart valve, heart muscle, blood vessels sserta heart, including coronary blood vessels, especially to detect the blood vessels of the heart stopped.
The procedure is done by the doctor specialists using tools Angiografi. By contrast the substance through catherization, a doctor can know the exact location, spacious, and the weight or the degree darad coronary vessel constriction. Results will be recorded clearly in the movie or CD (Compact Disc)
Discount cross pipe arteries of normal / healthy
Discount cross pipe arteries narrow because of cholesterol dump
How Kateterisasi with the results of the heart?
Your doctor will explain the results of movies recorded during the action and possible further treatment. When the results are known from the movie of the coronary vessel constriction, the doctor will tell whether further action treatment with drugs or sufficient action with the blood vessel dilation of the heart or even stopped using a specific tool or instrument be blown, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty, in the short PTCA or the end of the end of this called Percutaneous Coronary intervention is abbreviated PCI, or should be conducted Operation Open Heart (Open Heart Surgery) to install new blood vessels replaced the blood vessels of the heart stopped Coronary Artery Surgery shunt abbreviated CABG.
How about the risk of heart Kateterisasi?
With more canggihnya equipment Angiografi techniques and the development of new techniques, in general, practical action kateterisasi considered no risk.
According to statistical data from thousands of patients who have run kateterisasi in Medistra Hospital shows that the numbers are very high, with the level in the United States.
What is the action "Peniupan" (PTCA-PCI)?
Action "peniupan" or "balonisasi" or "Angioplasti" aims to widen the coronary vessel constriction catherization using a special tip that has balloon. Added balloons and developed by right heart blood vessel constriction. With such a stricture is open.
To refine the results of this peniupan, sometimes - sometimes other necessary measures undertaken at the same time, such as the installation of the ring or ring buffering (Stent), drilling crust in the blood vessels (Rotablation) pengerokan crust or blood vessel (Directional Atherectomy).
Apa penyebab dari Penyakit Jantung Koroner?
Penyakit Jantung Koroner pada mulanya disebabkan oleh penumpukan lemak pada dinding dalam pembuluh darah jantung (pembuluh koroner), dan hal ini lama kelamaan diikuti oleh berbagai proses seperti penimbunan jarinrangan ikat, perkapuran, pembekuan darah, dll.,yang kesemuanya akan mempersempit atau menyumbat pembuluh darah tersebut. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan otot jantung di daerah tersebut mengalami kekurangan aliran darah dan dapat menimbulkan berbagai akibat yang cukup serius, dari Angina Pectoris (nyeri dada) sampai Infark Jantung, yang dalam masyarakat di kenal dengan serangan jantung yang dapat menyebabkan kematian mendadak.
Beberapa faktor resiko terpenting Penyakit Jantung Koroner :
Kadar Kolesterol Total dan LDL tinggi
Kadar Kolesterol HDL rendah
Tekanan Darah Tinggi (Hipertensi)
Diabetes Mellitus
Riwayat keturunan penyakit jantung dalam keluarga
Kurang olah raga
Bila Anda menyandang salah satu atau beberapa faktor resiko tersebut diatas, Anda dianjurkan secara berkala memeriksakan kesehatan jantung Anda kepada seorang ahli. Adanya dua atau lebih faktor resiko akan berlipat kali menaikkan resiko total terhadap Penyakit Jantung Koroner.
Deteksi Penyakit Jantung Koroner
Beberapa pemeriksaan dapat dilakukan untuk mendeteksi adanya Penyakit Jantung Koroner antar lain : ECG, Treadmill, Echokardiografi dan Arteriorgrafi Koroner (yang sering dikenal sebagai Kateterisasi).
Dengan pemeriksaan ECG dapat diketahui kemungkinan adanya kelainan pada jantung Anda dengan tingkat ketepatan 40%. Kemudian bila dianggap perlu Anda akan dianjurkan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan Treadmill Echokardiografi.
Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan tersebut kemungkinan Anda akan dianjurkan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan Arteriografi Koroner (Kateterisasi) yang mempunyai tingkat ketepatan paling tinggi (99 - 100%) untuk memastikan apakah Anda mempunyai Penyakit Jantung koroner.
Apakah Kateterisasi Jantung?
Kateterisasi Jantung merupakan pemeriksaan yang bertujuan untuk memeriksa struktur serta fungsi jantung, termasuk ruang jantung, katup jantung, otot jantung, sserta pembuluh darah jantung termasuk pembuluh darah koroner, terutama untuk mendeteksi adanya pembuluh darah jantung yang tersumbat.
Prosedur tersebut dilakukan oleh Dokter Spesialis dengan menggunakan alat Angiografi. Dengan pemberian zat kontras melalui kateter, dokter dapat mengetahui secara tepat letak, luas, serta berat atau derajat penyempitan pembuluh darad koroner. Hasil akan di rekam secara jelas di dalam film atau CD (Compact Disc)
Potongan melintang pembuluh arteri yang normal/ sehat
Potongan melintang pembuluh arteri yang menyempit karena timbunan kolesterol
Bagaimana dengan hasil Kateterisasi Jantung?
Dokter Anda akan menjelaskan hasil film yang direkam selama tindakan dan kemungkinan pengobatan selanjutnya. Bila hasil dari film tersebut diketahui adanya penyempitan pembuluh koroner, maka dokter akan memberitahukan tindakan pengobatan selanjutnya apakah cukup dengan obat atau dengan tindakan pelebaran bagian pembuluh darah jantung yang menyempit atau tersumbat dengan menggunakan alat alat tertentu atau ditiup, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty, di singkat PTCA atau akhir akhir ini disebut Percutaneous Coronary intervention yang disingkat PCI; atau harus dilakukan Operasi Jantung Terbuka (Open Heart Surgery) untuk memasang pembuluh darah baru menggantikan pembuluh darah jantung yang tersumbat Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery disingkat CABG.
Bagaimana dengan resiko Kateterisasi Jantung?
Dengan semakin canggihnya peralatan Angiografi dan berkembangnya teknik teknik baru, pada umumnya tindakan kateterisasi secara praktis dianggap tidak ada resiko.
Menurut data statistik dari ribuan pasien yang telah menjalankan kateterisasi di RS Medistra menunjukkan bahwa angka keberhasilannya amat tinggi, setingkat dengan yang dilakukan di Amerika Serikat.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan tindakan "Peniupan" (PTCA-PCI)?
Tindakan "peniupan" atau "balonisasi" atau "Angioplasti" bertujuan untuk melebarkan penyempitan pembuluh koroner dengan menggunakan kateter khusus yang ujungnya mempunyai balon. Balon dimasukkan dan dikembangkan tepat ditempat penyempitan pembuluh darah jantung. Dengan demikian penyempitan tersebut menjadi terbuka.
Untuk menyempurnakan hasil peniupan ini, kadang - kadang diperlukan tindakan lain yang dilakukan dalam waktu yang sama, seperti pemasangan ring atau cincin penyanggah (Stent), pengeboran kerak di dalam pembuluh darah (Rotablation) atau pengerokan kerak pembuluh darah (Directional Atherectomy).
sourch : http://www.medistra.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=76
Cholesterol is a fatty substance (a lipid) that is an important part of the outer lining (membrane) of cells in the body of animals. Cholesterol is also found in the blood circulation of humans.
The cholesterol in a person's blood originates from two major sources; dietary intake and liver production. Dietary cholesterol comes mainly from meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. Organ meats, such as liver, are especially high in cholesterol content, while foods of plant origin contain no cholesterol. After a meal, cholesterol is absorbed by the intestines into the blood circulation and is then packaged inside a protein coat. This cholesterol-protein coat complex is called a chylomicron.
The liver is capable of removing cholesterol from the blood circulation as well as manufacturing cholesterol and secreting cholesterol into the blood circulation. After a meal, the liver removes chylomicrons from the blood circulation. In between meals, the liver manufactures and secretes cholesterol back into the blood circulation.
What are LDL and HDL cholesterol?
LDL cholesterol is called "bad" cholesterol, because elevated levels of LDL cholesterol are associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. LDL lipoprotein deposits cholesterol on the artery walls, causing the formation of a hard, thick substance called cholesterol plaque. Over time, cholesterol plaque causes thickening of the artery walls and narrowing of the arteries, a process called atherosclerosis.
HDL cholesterol is called the "good cholesterol" because HDL cholesterol particles prevent atherosclerosis by extracting cholesterol from the artery walls and disposing of them through the liver. Thus, high levels of LDL cholesterol and low levels of HDL cholesterol (high LDL/HDL ratios) are risk factors for atherosclerosis, while low levels of LDL cholesterol and high level of HDL cholesterol (low LDL/HDL ratios) are desirable.
Total cholesterol is the sum of LDL (low density) cholesterol, HDL (high density) cholesterol, VLDL (very low density) cholesterol, and IDL (intermediate density) cholesterol.
What determines the level of LDL cholesterol in the blood?
The liver not only manufactures and secretes LDL cholesterol into the blood; it also removes LDL cholesterol from the blood. A high number of active LDL receptors on the liver surfaces is associated with the rapid removal of LDL cholesterol from the blood and low blood LDL cholesterol levels. A deficiency of LDL receptors is associated with high LDL cholesterol blood levels.
Both heredity and diet have a significant influence on a person's LDL, HDL and total cholesterol levels. For example, familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a common inherited disorder whose victims have a diminished number or nonexistent LDL receptors on the surface of liver cells. People with this disorder also tend to develop atherosclerosis and heart attacks during early adulthood.
Diets that are high in saturated fats and cholesterol raise the levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood. Fats are classified as saturated or unsaturated (according to their chemical structure). Saturated fats are derived primarily from meat and dairy products and can raise blood cholesterol levels. Some vegetable oils made from coconut, palm, and cocoa are also high in saturated fats.
source : http://www.medicinenet.com/cholesterol/article.htm
Benechek plus a blood test equipment 3 in 1 is blood sugar, acid and Cholesterol strand. BeneChek produce an accurate measurement, terkalibrasi plasma-use technology with Electro Chemical sensing technology.
Package consists of: Tool, Glucose strip 10, Uric strip of 10, cholesterol strip 5, Code strips each 1, the Control Solution 1, and Guide Book
BeneCheck Plus alat test darah 3 in 1 (Gula, Asam Urat dan Kolesterol)
Akurasi Alat : ± 20 % at glucose level ≥ 75 mg/dl (4,17 mmoL/L), Uric acid ≥ 5 mg/dl (0,30 mmoL/L), total cholesterol ≥ 200 mg/dl
Principle : Glucose & total cholesterol-electrochemical Biosensor, Uric Acid-electrochemical Biosensor
Calibration : Plasma-equivalent
Test Sample : Fresh Capilary whole blood
Measuring time : ± 10 second (glucose), ± 15 second (uric acid), ± 40-60 (total cholesterol)
Measuring Range : Glucose 20-600 mg/dl (1,1-33,3 mmol/L), Uric Acid 3-20 mg/dl (0,18-1,19 mmol/L),Total Cholesterol 150-400 mg/dl (3,88-10,35 mmol/L)
Sample Volume : ± 1-1.5 µl (glucose 7 uric acid), ± 10 µl (total cholesterol
Hematocrit range : 30%-55% (for glucose, uric acid & total cholesterol)
Strip storage condition : 10ºC-30ºC (56ºF-86ºF)
Operation Temperature : 10ºC-40ºC (50ºF-104ºF)
Relative Humidity : less than 95 %
High cholesterol does not really have any recognizable symptoms until it causes more severe damage like reduced artery blood flow or hardening of the arteries. However, it is important to discover if you have a high cholesterol problem before it begins damaging your system. If you have high cholesterol, it is important to take action to lower it as soon as you can.
You can participate in tests that will tell you if you have high cholesterol or not. These tests assess your total cholesterol levels, including your LDL, or bad cholesterol, your HDL, or good cholesterol, and your triglycerides, which are another type of fat that forms in your blood. If your total cholesterol is higher than 200 mg/dL then you might be on the road to having high cholesterol. However, if your total cholesterol is 240 mg/dL or higher, you have what is considered a high cholesterol rating. If your HDL, or good cholesterol is lower than 40 mg/dL and your total cholesterol is high, this means that you have too much of the bad cholesterol, or LDL, in your system. It is the combination of the two types of cholesterol that determine if your score is low or high.
If you have high cholesterol, you should see your doctor immediately for help with developing a plan to treat your condition. There are many drugs on the market today that are specially formulated for treating high cholesterol, and many of these drugs have proven highly effective.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_Miller
Red blood cells are the most common cell in blood. They carry oxygen around the body, from the heart to the extremities. All of the bodies tissues are dependent upon oxygen from red blood cells – if the flow is cut off, the tissue dies. The scientific name for a red blood cell is “erythrocyte,” meaning “hollow red cell.”
Red blood cells get their red color from hemoglobin, which makes up about 97% of the dry weight of red blood cells, and around 35% of the total weight, including water. Hemoglobin is a metalloprotein, meaning it is a protein that includes iron as one of its constituent atoms. In the context of oxygen distribution, hemoglobin contains multiple chemical “slots” for storing oxygen. This oxygen is obtained from the heart, where red blood cells are replenished with oxygen from the lungs.
The red blood cell is the primary component of the circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system. In the circulatory system, channels called arteries hold oxygen-rich blood for distribution to the body, while veins return oxygen-poor blood to the heart for replenishment. The oxygen levels of blood can be examined by looking at its color – oxygen-poor blood is bluish, while oxygen-rich blood is red. When exposed to the open through a cut, blood quickly gets oxygenated by atmospheric oxygen, appearing a bright red.
Red blood cells have a diameter of about 6-8 micrometers (millionths of a meter), similar in size to most cells in the body. They have the appearance of an inner tube, albeit without a hole in the center. Adult humans have 20 – 30 trillion red blood cells in their body, about 5 million per microliter of blood. Other cells found in blood include platelets, which assist in clotting, and white blood cells, which serve as the blood’s sentries against pathogens